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In the Medicine Program, we train professionals with solid theoretical-scientific knowledge and clinical competencies of excellence focused on people and value their human, biologic, psychologic, and social dimensions. Our academic staff, including physicians and professionals from Clínica AlemanaHospital Padre Hurtado, and Universidad del Desarrollo, are committed professionals constantly improving their knowledge.

We encourage our physicians’ commitment to creating conditions required for the well-being of patients and the community.


To be an academic community focused on respect for human diversity and freedom that forms integral professionals and generates scientific knowledge at the service of health and well-being.


To be a reference for the training of professionals of excellence who attend the community’s health and well-being in an institution that innovates in education and research, always at our society’s service.


To contribute to medical professionals’ formation, based on a comprehensive model that develops the competencies described in the Graduate Profile allowing them to perform appropriately in any required field.


The Generic Competencies are those that all medical graduates must achieve. They enable professional performance emphasizing the seals of Public Responsibility, Ethics, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership.

The graduate profile: Read more
