
Full-time doctoral program aimed at training health professionals, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to conduct high-level scientific research autonomously. The nature of the program is scientific, and is focused on training doctors to generate scientific knowledge and develop creative solutions in the health field.



To train doctoral graduates in the biomedical field of the highest academic level and with solid scientific knowledge  capable of generating scientific knowledge and developing innovative solutions to relevant health problems that positively impact society.


To be renowned for training exceptional doctoral graduates in the health sciences and innovation. Our graduates  have high ethical standards, are leaders in the generation of knowledge and the development of creative solutions to health problems, are capable of communicating science effectively to experts and the general public, and are capable of working in multidisciplinary teams.

General objective

To train doctoral graduates who, in the context of multidisciplinary research teams connected to the health system,  can develop high-impact scientific knowledge and create innovative solutions to relevant health problems.. . Our trainees can positively impacttheir work environments, either in academia or in the public or productive sectors.

Specific objectives

  1. To train competent doctoral graduates with rigorous methodological and scientific training and critical thinking, who are capable of generating high-impact knowledge, who have integrity and responsibility, and who can work in multidisciplinary teams at the academic level, as well as in the public or productive sectors.
  1. To train doctoral graduates with ethical competencies and social skills that enable them to effectively communicate scientific and technological advances both in technical environments and to the general public, being active and responsible agents for the communication of science and the transfer of knowledge for innovation.
  1. To create an environment to enable the training of doctoral graduates of science in contexts that are connected to the health system.
  1. To integrate doctoral students into an interdisciplinary research platform, with the active participation of young researchers, clinical researchers, physicians, and other health professionals, whose motivation is the generation of science and innovation.

Nature of the program

The nature of the program is scientific, and  focused on training doctoral graduates to generate scientific knowledge and develop innovative solutions in the health field.

Student skills and abilities

Research is at the core of the undergraduate and graduate programs at the Faculty of Medicine, Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo. For us, it is  essentialto train doctoral graduates who, through their  investigations, can contribute to solving  the complex health problems of the country. The translational view of medical research enables the knowledge generated at the University to  impact healthcare processes in terms of clinical technologies, public health problems, and access to health services.

The student will acquire skills to conduct research autonomously, design protocols and projects, present and discuss experimental results, and write scientific papers for publication. As a researcher, he/she should have ethical, intellectual, analytical, and critical attitudes, as well as, curiosity and openness, and the desire to continue learning and studying.

Throughout the program, students will participate in analysis meetings, seminars, publication reviews, events, and conferences that help to awaken their critical awareness and analytical abilities.

Graduate profile

Our graduates have the skills to generate new scientific knowledge and develop creative solutions to relevant health problems. They are reflective, critical, flexible, and proactive. They are able to work in teams in the academic context, in the health system, and the private sector and government. They conduct research work with high ethical standards, are professionals of integrity who contribute to the training of future researchers, and effectively communicate their work to experts and the general public.

Field of work

Graduates of the Doctorate in Science and Innovation in Medicine (DCIM) at Universidad del Desarrollo will be able to work in the following areas:

  • Universities (as researchers and/or teachers)
  • Health institutions
  • Research laboratories
  • Academic administration
  • Biomedical industry (R&D&I)

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Acreditado por 5 años

Desde Noviembre 2022 hasta Noviembre 2027

Modalidad: Presencial. Jornada: Diurna. Sede(s): Santiago. Agencia: Comisión Nacional de Acreditación